Looking forward to Higher Education... taster course
Topic outline
Course Staff
Module Co-ordinator - Sarah Gaffney s.l.gaffney@glyndwr.ac.uk
Academic Lead Tutor - Sam Emmett sam.emmett@glyndwr.ac.uk
Tutor - Emma Owen
Hello and welcome to this short course. This module will help you develop your skills and confidence to prepare you for studying for a degree. It will focus upon accessing, appraising and recording information and in particular, you will gain writing and presentation skills appropriate for academic study in Higher Education.
In this section of the VLE (Visual Learning Environment) or as we call it Moodle you will find general course paperwork and other useful general resources.
Journal Article: Sociology, Teaching, and Refelective Practice: Using Writing to Improve (DavidPurcell)
Reflective Writing: Insights into What Lies Beneath. (Sujata S. Kathpalia)