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HUM621 22/23 NPTC Rise of a New Society in England & Wales 1750-1850
HUM601 22/23 NPTC Dissertation, Project and Portfolio
ENG6AG 22/23 NPTC Project
ENG6AF 22/23 NPTC Product Design
ENG6AE 22/23 NPTC Managing Workforce, Engagement & Commitment
ENG6AD 22/23 NPTC Maintenance & Safety System
ENG6AB 22/23 NPTC Industrial Communication Systems
ENG6AA 22/23 NPTC Engineering Modelling & Simulation
ENG5AK 22/23 NPTC Power, Distribution and System Design
ENG5AJ 22/23 NPTC Modern Manufacture, Sustainability & Industry 4.0
ENG5AG 22/23 NPTC Mechanical System Design
ENG5AF 22/23 NPTC Materials and Processes
ENG5AE 22/23 NPTC Instrumentation and Condition Monitoring
ENG5AD 22/23 NPTC Industrial Project
ENG5AC 22/23 NPTC Industrial Automation and PLCs
ENG5AB 22/23 NPTC Computer aided engineering
ENG5AA 22/23 NPTC Analytical Control Techniques
ENG4AA 22/23 NPTC Work Based Learning
ENG499 22/23 NPTC Mechanical Engineering
ENG498 22/23 NPTC Engineering Standards, Business & Operations Management
ENG497 22/23 NPTC Electrical Engineering
ENG496 22/23 NPTC Design and CAD
ENG495 22/23 NPTC Analytical Engineering Techniques
EDS405 22/23 NPTC The Confident Learner
COM646 22/23 NPTC Project
COM645 22/23 NPTC Network Security
COM644 22/23 NPTC IT Project Management
COM643 22/23 NPTC Future Technologies
COM642 22/23 NPTC Ethical Hacking
COM641 22/23 NPTC Distributed Data and Data Analytics
COM640 22/23 NPTC Advanced Mobile Development
COM636 22/23 NPTC Distributed Data
COM632 22/23 NPTC Advanced 3D Modelling & Animation
COM630 22/23 NPTC Advanced Mobile Development
COM627 22/23 NPTC Computability and Optimisation
COM623 22/23 NPTC 21st Century Computing
COM614 22/23 NPTC IT Project Management
COM556 22/23 NPTC User Experience Design (UXD)
COM545 22/23 NPTC Responsible Computing
COM544 22/23 NPTC Operating Systems
COM543 22/23 NPTC Internet and Mobile App Development
COM542 22/23 NPTC Group Project Implementation
COM541 22/23 NPTC Group Project Design
COM540 22/23 NPTC Databases and Web-based Information Systems
COM539 22/23 NPTC Data Structures and Algorithms
COM538 22/23 NPTC Cyber Security and Forensics
COM537 22/23 NPTC Applied Programming
COM529 22/23 NPTC Group Project Design
COM528 22/23 NPTC Responsible Computing
COM527 22/23 NPTC Human-Computer Relationships
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