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Tutors / 24/25
Tutors / 24/25 / A
Tutors / 24/25 / B
Tutors / 24/25 / C
Tutors / 24/25 / D
Tutors / 24/25 / E
Tutors / 24/25 / F
Tutors / 24/25 / G
Tutors / 24/25 / H
Tutors / 24/25 / I
Tutors / 24/25 / J
Tutors / 24/25 / K
Tutors / 24/25 / L
Tutors / 24/25 / M
Tutors / 24/25 / N
Tutors / 24/25 / O
Tutors / 24/25 / P
Tutors / 24/25 / R
Tutors / 24/25 / S
Tutors / 24/25 / T
Tutors / 24/25 / U
Tutors / 24/25 / V
Tutors / 24/25 / W
Tutors / 24/25 / Y
Tutors / 24/25 / Z
Staff / Examiner Upload Points
Staff / Examiner Upload Points / Partners External Examiners Samples 21/22
Staff / Examiner Upload Points / Examiner Upload Points 22/23
Staff / Information Services
Staff / Professional Development
Staff / Professional Development / Active Learning Framework
Staff / Samples of Assessed Work
Student / Academic Integrity Courses 24/25
Programmes / 24/25
Modules / 24/25
Modules / 24/25 / Wrexham
Modules / 24/25 / Northop
Modules / 24/25 / St Asaph
Modules / 24/25 / ONLINE
Modules / 24/25 / ABS
Modules / 24/25 / BDC
Modules / 24/25 / BLOOMSBURY
Modules / 24/25 / CAPCOLL
Modules / 24/25 / CBVC
Modules / 24/25 / CICRA
Modules / 24/25 / DEESIDE
Modules / 24/25 / DESPARK
Modules / 24/25 / DIMENSION
Modules / 24/25 / DPU
Modules / 24/25 / HKIT
Modules / 24/25 / HKMA
Modules / 24/25 / INCHBALD
Modules / 24/25 / IST
Modules / 24/25 / LONDONTEC
Modules / 24/25 / LSD
Modules / 24/25 / MBS
Modules / 24/25 / NEW ERA
Modules / 24/25 / NPTC
Modules / 24/25 / PMC
Modules / 24/25 / RELIANCE
Modules / 24/25 / SHRM_COLLEGE
Modules / 24/25 / SMU
Modules / 24/25 / SLM
Modules / 24/25 / UDC
Modules / 24/25 / WCDI
Modules / 24/25 / Coleg Cambria
Modules / 23/24
Modules / 23/24 / 23/24 Welsh
Modules / 23/24 / WREXHAM
Modules / 23/24 / GUFLINTS
Modules / 23/24 / ST ASAPH
Modules / 23/24 / ONLINE
Modules / 23/24 / ABS
Modules / 23/24 / BDC
Modules / 23/24 / BLOOMSBURY
Modules / 23/24 / CAPCOLL
Modules / 23/24 / CBVC
Modules / 23/24 / CICRA
Modules / 23/24 / DEESIDE
Modules / 23/24 / DESPARK
Modules / 23/24 / DIMENSION
Modules / 23/24 / DPU
Modules / 23/24 / HKIT
Modules / 23/24 / HKMA
Modules / 23/24 / INCHBALD
Modules / 23/24 / IST
Modules / 23/24 / LONDONTEC
Modules / 23/24 / LSD
Modules / 23/24 / MBS
Modules / 23/24 / NEW ERA
Modules / 23/24 / NPTC
Modules / 23/24 / PMC
Modules / 23/24 / RELIANCE
Modules / 23/24 / SHRM_COLLEGE
Modules / 23/24 / SMU
Modules / 23/24 / SLM
Modules / 23/24 / UDC
Modules / 23/24 / WCDI
Modules / 23/24 / Sample Assessments 23/24
Modules / 23/24 / Partner Sample Sites 23/24
Modules / 22/23
Modules / 22/23 / Induction
Modules / 22/23 / WREXHAM
Modules / 22/23 / GUFLINTS
Modules / 22/23 / OPTIC TECH
Modules / 22/23 / ONLINE
Modules / 22/23 / ABS
Modules / 22/23 / BDC
Modules / 22/23 / BLOOMSBURY
Modules / 22/23 / CAPCOLL
Modules / 22/23 / CIC
Modules / 22/23 / DEESIDE
Modules / 22/23 / DESPARK
Modules / 22/23 / DIMENSION
Modules / 22/23 / DPU
Modules / 22/23 / HKIT
Modules / 22/23 / HKMA
Modules / 22/23 / INCHBALD
Modules / 22/23 / IST
Modules / 22/23 / LONDONTEC
Modules / 22/23 / LSD
Modules / 22/23 / MBS
Modules / 22/23 / NEW ERA
Modules / 22/23 / NPTC
Modules / 22/23 / PMC
Modules / 22/23 / RELIANCE
Modules / 22/23 / SHRM_COLLEGE
Modules / 22/23 / SMU
Modules / 22/23 / UDC
Modules / 22/23 / WCDI
Modules / 22/23 / CBVC
Modules / 22/23 / SLM
Modules / WREXHAM
Modules / Partner View (24/27)
Modules / Partner View (24/27) / Computing
Modules / Partner View (24/27) / Business
Modules / Partner View (24/27) / Psychology
Modules / Partner View (24/27) / Engineering
Modules / Partner Sample Sites
Modules / Partner Sample Sites / Partner Sample Sites 24/25
Modules / Partner Sample Sites / Partner Modules (OLD - 21-24)
Modules / Partner Sample Sites / Partner Modules (OLD - 21-24) / Business
Templates 24/25
Others / To be reviewed
Others / Partners
Others / Committee Structures
Others / Research
Others / Digital Learning
Others / Drafts for validation 24/25
Others / External Examiners
Others / Blackboard Ally
Others / Student Administration Forums
Others / Draft Courses
Others / Draft Courses / Drafts 21/22
Others / Draft Courses / Draft 22/23
Others / Draft Courses / Draft 23/24
Others / Draft Courses / Draft 24/25
Others / VLE Essentials
Others / VLE Support for Staff
Others / VLE Support for Staff / Moodle Essentials
Others / VLE Support for Staff / Quizzes
Others / Templates
Others / Templates / Templates 22/23
Others / Question Banks
Others / Computing modules (LD)
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COM646 22/23 HKIT Project
COM644 22/23 HKIT IT Project Management
COM643 22/23 HKIT Future Technologies
BUS687 22/23 HKIT Financial strategy
BUS652 22/23 HKIT Advanced Financial Management
BUS651 22/23 HKIT Strategic Marketing
BUS650 22/23 HKIT International Human Resource Management
BUS634 22/23 HKIT Audit and Assurance
BUS631 22/23 HKIT Contemporary Issues in Hospitality Management
BUS599 22/23 HKIT Hong Kong Business and Company Law
BUS598 22/23 HKIT Hong Kong Business and Company Law
BUS597 22/23 HKIT Managing Sustainable Planning & Development For Hospitality, Tourism and Events
BUS591 22/23 HKIT Managing Corporate Risk and Crime
BUS590 22/23 HKIT Engaging and Leading People
BUS589 22/23 HKIT Business Law
BUS587 22/23 HKIT Customer Service Excellence
BUS586 22/23 HKIT Visitor Attraction Management
BUS584 22/23 HKIT Work Based Project 2
BUS582 22/23 HKIT HRM for Business
BUS560 22/23 HKIT Competitive Intelligence Research
BUS488 22/23 HKIT Information Management
BUS462 22/23 HKIT Creating Events
BUS461 22/23 HKIT Data Analytics and Understanding ''Big Data''
BUS459 22/23 HKIT Business Environment
BUS454 22/23 HKIT Business Communication Skills
BUS430 22/23 HKIT Economics
BUS645 22/23 HKIT Financial strategy
BUS637 22/23 HKIT Food & Drink Tourism
BUS649 22/23 HKIT Strategic Thinking
BUS635 22/23 HKIT Dissertation
BUS625 22/23 HKIT Employment Law