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Tutors / 24/25
Tutors / 24/25 / A
Tutors / 24/25 / B
Tutors / 24/25 / C
Tutors / 24/25 / D
Tutors / 24/25 / E
Tutors / 24/25 / F
Tutors / 24/25 / G
Tutors / 24/25 / H
Tutors / 24/25 / I
Tutors / 24/25 / J
Tutors / 24/25 / K
Tutors / 24/25 / L
Tutors / 24/25 / M
Tutors / 24/25 / N
Tutors / 24/25 / O
Tutors / 24/25 / P
Tutors / 24/25 / R
Tutors / 24/25 / S
Tutors / 24/25 / T
Tutors / 24/25 / U
Tutors / 24/25 / V
Tutors / 24/25 / W
Tutors / 24/25 / Y
Tutors / 24/25 / Z
Staff / Examiner Upload Points
Staff / Examiner Upload Points / Partners External Examiners Samples 21/22
Staff / Examiner Upload Points / Examiner Upload Points 22/23
Staff / Information Services
Staff / Professional Development
Staff / Professional Development / Active Learning Framework
Staff / Samples of Assessed Work
Student / Academic Integrity Courses 24/25
Programmes / 24/25
Modules / 24/25
Modules / 24/25 / Wrexham
Modules / 24/25 / Northop
Modules / 24/25 / St Asaph
Modules / 24/25 / ONLINE
Modules / 24/25 / ABS
Modules / 24/25 / BDC
Modules / 24/25 / BLOOMSBURY
Modules / 24/25 / CAPCOLL
Modules / 24/25 / CBVC
Modules / 24/25 / CICRA
Modules / 24/25 / DEESIDE
Modules / 24/25 / DESPARK
Modules / 24/25 / DIMENSION
Modules / 24/25 / DPU
Modules / 24/25 / HKIT
Modules / 24/25 / HKMA
Modules / 24/25 / INCHBALD
Modules / 24/25 / IST
Modules / 24/25 / LONDONTEC
Modules / 24/25 / LSD
Modules / 24/25 / MBS
Modules / 24/25 / NEW ERA
Modules / 24/25 / NPTC
Modules / 24/25 / PMC
Modules / 24/25 / RELIANCE
Modules / 24/25 / SHRM_COLLEGE
Modules / 24/25 / SMU
Modules / 24/25 / SLM
Modules / 24/25 / UDC
Modules / 24/25 / WCDI
Modules / 24/25 / Coleg Cambria
Modules / 23/24
Modules / 23/24 / 23/24 Welsh
Modules / 23/24 / WREXHAM
Modules / 23/24 / GUFLINTS
Modules / 23/24 / ST ASAPH
Modules / 23/24 / ONLINE
Modules / 23/24 / ABS
Modules / 23/24 / BDC
Modules / 23/24 / BLOOMSBURY
Modules / 23/24 / CAPCOLL
Modules / 23/24 / CBVC
Modules / 23/24 / CICRA
Modules / 23/24 / DEESIDE
Modules / 23/24 / DESPARK
Modules / 23/24 / DIMENSION
Modules / 23/24 / DPU
Modules / 23/24 / HKIT
Modules / 23/24 / HKMA
Modules / 23/24 / INCHBALD
Modules / 23/24 / IST
Modules / 23/24 / LONDONTEC
Modules / 23/24 / LSD
Modules / 23/24 / MBS
Modules / 23/24 / NEW ERA
Modules / 23/24 / NPTC
Modules / 23/24 / PMC
Modules / 23/24 / RELIANCE
Modules / 23/24 / SHRM_COLLEGE
Modules / 23/24 / SMU
Modules / 23/24 / SLM
Modules / 23/24 / UDC
Modules / 23/24 / WCDI
Modules / 23/24 / Sample Assessments 23/24
Modules / 23/24 / Partner Sample Sites 23/24
Modules / 22/23
Modules / 22/23 / Induction
Modules / 22/23 / WREXHAM
Modules / 22/23 / GUFLINTS
Modules / 22/23 / OPTIC TECH
Modules / 22/23 / ONLINE
Modules / 22/23 / ABS
Modules / 22/23 / BDC
Modules / 22/23 / BLOOMSBURY
Modules / 22/23 / CAPCOLL
Modules / 22/23 / CIC
Modules / 22/23 / DEESIDE
Modules / 22/23 / DESPARK
Modules / 22/23 / DIMENSION
Modules / 22/23 / DPU
Modules / 22/23 / HKIT
Modules / 22/23 / HKMA
Modules / 22/23 / INCHBALD
Modules / 22/23 / IST
Modules / 22/23 / LONDONTEC
Modules / 22/23 / LSD
Modules / 22/23 / MBS
Modules / 22/23 / NEW ERA
Modules / 22/23 / NPTC
Modules / 22/23 / PMC
Modules / 22/23 / RELIANCE
Modules / 22/23 / SHRM_COLLEGE
Modules / 22/23 / SMU
Modules / 22/23 / UDC
Modules / 22/23 / WCDI
Modules / 22/23 / CBVC
Modules / 22/23 / SLM
Modules / WREXHAM
Modules / Partner View (24/27)
Modules / Partner View (24/27) / Computing
Modules / Partner View (24/27) / Business
Modules / Partner View (24/27) / Psychology
Modules / Partner View (24/27) / Engineering
Modules / Partner Sample Sites
Modules / Partner Sample Sites / Partner Sample Sites 24/25
Modules / Partner Sample Sites / Partner Modules (OLD - 21-24)
Modules / Partner Sample Sites / Partner Modules (OLD - 21-24) / Business
Templates 24/25
Others / To be reviewed
Others / Partners
Others / Committee Structures
Others / Research
Others / Digital Learning
Others / Drafts for validation 24/25
Others / External Examiners
Others / Blackboard Ally
Others / Student Administration Forums
Others / Draft Courses
Others / Draft Courses / Drafts 21/22
Others / Draft Courses / Draft 22/23
Others / Draft Courses / Draft 23/24
Others / Draft Courses / Draft 24/25
Others / VLE Essentials
Others / VLE Support for Staff
Others / VLE Support for Staff / Moodle Essentials
Others / VLE Support for Staff / Quizzes
Others / Templates
Others / Templates / Templates 22/23
Others / Question Banks
Others / Computing modules (LD)
Templates 25/26
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To be reviewed
Committee Structures
Digital Learning
Drafts for validation 24/25
External Examiners
Blackboard Ally
Student Administration Forums
Draft Courses
VLE Essentials
VLE Support for Staff
Question Banks
Computing modules (LD)
January 2025 Podcasting
Lukasz Majer Test Page
Carrie Bowen Test Page
Taofik Adeosun Test Page
STU979 Crimes Against Accessibility
EAB Panel visit 2023
Stephen Obeng Test Page
Module Template 24/25 (English) (Stuart's Version)
Learning Skills Workshops 24/25
Zowie Wild Test Page
Nia Jones Test Page
Jake Cawthray Test Page
Elan Kandaswamy Test Page
The Language Centre 23/24
Fast Track to Nursing 23/24 OPTIC TECH - April Cohort
Fast Track to Nursing 23/24 WREXHAM - April Cohort
Mahara e-portfolio downloads 2024
Podcasting Summer 2023
STU976 Fancy Things and How to Find Them
Clinical Assessment, Diagnostics and Reasoning in Advanced Practice Induction
Fast Track Towards Nursing 23/24
Accessibility testing
Student Administration 23/24 - Wrexham
Learning Skills content for induction course
Technology Workshops
Test glossaries site
Tystysgrif Sgiliau Iaith
Research Methods for Advanced Clinical Practice 21/22
Learning Support Assistants
May Day – MSc Psychology Conversion 2021
TEFL Placement with Language Centre
Peer Mentoring
Backup ENG52B
INERNAL Records for SDS purposes only
Tracking Progress in Moodle Workshop
External Examiner 22/23
NHS703 Dissertation Supervision 22/23
Research Methods for Advanced Clinical Practice 22/23
MSHAI 22/23 MSc Human Animal Interaction and Wellbeing
Digital Fringe - Moodle Monitoring
Learning Skills Workshops 23/24